
2024. 04. 15 Graduate Student Akshay Narula won a Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the UConn Graduate School. 


2023. 07. 20 Graduate Student Da Hye Yang won a Conference Participation Award from the UConn Graduate School. 


2023. 07. 20 Graduate Student Akshay Narula won a Conference Participation Award from the UConn Graduate School. 


2023. 06. 25 Graduate Student Akshay Narula won a Best Poster Award at the 2023 Preclinical Form and Formulation for Drug Discovery Gordon Research Seminar. 


2023. 03. 06 Graduate Student Akshay Narula receives an award (5 in total out of all US student applicants) from Genentech Inc to attend the first Genentech Graduate Student Symposium in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 


2022. 10. 13 PharmD Student Sarah Casella receives the Antipas Family Research Scholarship for her research project on amorphous solubility determination.