• Oral drug delivery lab
  • LLPS

Join Us

We are seeking enthusiastic PhD students, postdoctoral researcher, and visiting scholars/students to join the research group. If you are interested, please send your CV to lina@uconn.edu

Lab News

  • Award
    2024. 04. 30 Undergraduate student Ibrahim Daboul became an McNair Scholar! 
  • Award
    2024. 04. 15 Graduate Student Akshay Narula won a Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the UConn Graduate School. 
  • New Paper
    2023. 12. 03 Our work in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics features stable and metastable liquid-liquid phase separation (oiling out) using a combined experimental and modeling approach https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/cp/d3cp04622b
  • Award
    2023. 09. 14 Undergraduate student Clyde D’Souza won an OUR Supply Grant from the UConn Office of Undergraduate Research. 


Na Li

69 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3092, Storrs, CT 06269, USA

Office: 860-486-3202

Email: lina@uconn.edu

You can also find me on LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Research Gate, and Twitter.


The Li lab is part of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Connecticut.